Cleanrth TSBR610 Bird Repeller - Volume and how to adjust it Cleanrth Products 0:36 4 years ago 15 999 Далее Скачать
BIRD SCARE GUN | WATCH THIS! | How to keep Birds off your property! Bird Scare Guns 0:28 3 years ago 15 617 Далее Скачать
Eliminate Birds From Attacking Your Garden (Without Killing Them) | Bird Repellant Scare #BirdBozo The Busy Gardener 15:31 3 years ago 86 926 Далее Скачать
Bird control: Blasting birds out of orchards with "Sonic Nets" noise GoodFruitGrower 4:57 6 years ago 57 346 Далее Скачать
Agrilaser® Autonomic - automatic laser bird deterrent Bird Control Group 1:39 10 years ago 257 522 Далее Скачать
SHIYING laser bird control, effectively drive away harmful birds in peach orchard. Wallace Liang 1:37 2 years ago 6 Далее Скачать
Bird control: Silent laser may scare birds without troubling neighbors GoodFruitGrower 2:25 6 years ago 50 860 Далее Скачать
This simple hack will keep pesky birds away from your home The Weather Network 1:14 2 years ago 54 160 Далее Скачать
Most Intelligent and Effective Bird Deterrent - AVIX Autonomic Mark II Bird Control Group 0:38 4 years ago 45 995 Далее Скачать
Laser bird deterrent at a Blueberry farm - 99% bird reduction! Bird Control Group 1:41 7 years ago 112 825 Далее Скачать